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학술대회 관리
종합 자료실


01[Bruce Fulton ]Place and Identity in Korean American Young-Adult Fiction
02[Seong Kon Kim]Writing as a Spiritual Exile- Edward Said and Lee Chang-rae
03[Eun Sook Koo]Immigrants as Detectives and Cultural Translators- Suki Kim`s The Interprete
04[Hae Nyeon Lee]Post-Colonialism in Native Speaker and A Gesture Life by Chang-Rae Lee
05[So Hee Lee]Diasporic Narratives in Korean Wianbu Literature
06[Eun Kyung Min]A Poetics of Diaspora- A Reading of Myung Mi Kim`s Poetry

07[Clare You and Yangwon Ha]]Korean American literature and the visual arts -'these bearers of a homeland'08[Sung Won Cho]What is P`ansori- A Genre Comparison With English Renaissance Drama
09[Chung Ho Chung]Enlightenment poetics in eighteenth-century Korea -a rereading of Pak Chega's writings
10[Mi Chael Kim]Giving Reasons to the Unreasonable- Philip Jaisohn and the New Urban Space of The Independent

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