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Diaspora in Korean (Immigrant) Literature (Ⅰ)

01[Tschung Sun Kim ]World View of Korean Culture- The Importance of Cultural Understanding in the Teaching of Korean As a Foreign Language

02[정택진] 언어가 재미교포들의 민족주체성에 미친 영향

03[Je Woo Koae]A Study of the Effect of Traditional Korean Culture on Immigrant Society - Focusing on Women`s Sexual Culture in the 『Yeolnyeo-Jeon (列女傳)』-
04[김승희]한국 현대시에 나타난 이산(離散, diaspora)-두만강, 현해탄, 38선을 넘어선 유민(遺民, 流民, 유民)의식


05[Tschung Sun Kim ]World View of Korean Culture- The Importance of Cultural Understanding in the Teaching of Korean As a Foreign Language

06[Jae Hoon Yeon , Jung Soo Mok ]On the Linguistic Divergence between North and South Korea

07[Eliot S. Jung] Smaller but Better

08[설성경]판소리의 극적 서사성

09[송지현]사랑, 그 절망과 환희 -마틴 딥스의 시집 『Eros Unmoved』에 대하여

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