Untitled Document
:: 임원 전용 메뉴 :: 증명서 관리
발송공문 관리
수신공문 관리
이메일 관리
학술대회 관리
종합 자료실


01[Bruce Fulton ]Place and Identity in Korean American Young-Adult Fiction
02[Seong Kon Kim]Writing as a Spiritual Exile- Edward Said and Lee Chang-rae
03[Eun Sook Koo]Immigrants as Detectives and Cultural Translators- Suki Kim`s The Interprete
04[Hae Nyeon Lee]Post-Colonialism in Native Speaker and A Gesture Life by Chang-Rae Lee
05[So Hee Lee]Diasporic Narratives in Korean Wianbu Literature
06[Eun Kyung Min]A Poetics of Diaspora- A Reading of Myung Mi Kim`s Poetry

07[Clare You and Yangwon Ha]]Korean American literature and the visual arts -'these bearers of a homeland'08[Sung Won Cho]What is P`ansori- A Genre Comparison With English Renaissance Drama
09[Chung Ho Chung]Enlightenment poetics in eighteenth-century Korea -a rereading of Pak Chega's writings
10[Mi Chael Kim]Giving Reasons to the Unreasonable- Philip Jaisohn and the New Urban Space of The Independent

List of Articles
번호 제목
공지 논문 작성 및 투고 규정 (투고신청서 첨부) file
공지 온라인 논문 투고 및 심사시스템 JAMS2.0 회원가입 및 투고 매뉴얼 file
공지 연구 윤리 규정
공지 논문심사 및 학회지 발간 규정 (편집위원회 규정 첨부) file
공지 각주와 참고문헌 예시
31 Comparative Korean Studies 제19권 2호(2011) file
30 Comparative Korean Studies 제19권 1호(2011) file
29 Comparative Korean Studies 제18권 3호(2010) file
28 Comparative Korean Studies 제18권 2호(2010) file
27 Comparative Korean Studies 제18권 1호(2010) file
26 Comparative Korean Studies 제17권 3호(2009) file
25 Comparative Korean Studies 제17권 2호(2009) file
24 Comparative Korean Studies 제17권 1호(2009) file
23 Comparative Korean Studies 제16권 2호(2008) file
22 Comparative Korean Studies 제16권 1호(2008) file
21 Comparative Korean Studies 제15권 2호(2007) file
20 Comparative Korean Studies 제15권 1호(2007) file
19 Comparative Korean Studies 제14권 2호(2006) file
18 Comparative Korean Studies 제14권 1호(2006) file
17 Comparative Korean Studies 제13권 2호(2005) file
16 Comparative Korean Studies 제13권 1호(2005) file
15 Comparative Korean Studies 제12권 2호(2004) file